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Internal Family Systems (IFS)

A transformative therapeutic tool


Internal Family Systems (IFS) is a model of therapy that views the mind as a system of internal 'parts' or sub-personalities, each with its own unique thoughts, feelings, and motivations. These parts often develop to help us navigate life's challenges, though some may carry burdens from past experiences. When parts hold contradictory beliefs or conflicting needs, we might experience uncertainty, indecision, or feel stuck in limiting patterns.

Through curiosity and compassion, we can become familiar with these various 'parts' and understand their roles in our lives. This process allows us to heal inner wounds, transform limiting patterns, and access our innate wisdom. As parts feel heard and understood, many people experience greater self-awareness, emotional balance, and a deeper connection to their authentic Self.


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In person or online

1 hr - £65

Longer 90min sessions - IFS with Craniosacral


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